Orthophotographs are digital aerial photographs that are registered and rectified to coordinates on the ground. These aerial images were flown in Spring 1997,
2005, 2010 and 2015.
Planimetrics are any data layers other than Orthophotography or Cadastral data.
The current available layers are:
- Building footprints—All built structures
- Flood—FEMA Flood Zone data
- Hydrology—Streams, ditches, dams, culverts, lagoons, lakes, marshes, ponds, pools and retention ponds
- Pavement—Driveways, paved and unpaved parking, paved and unpaved roads, roads under construction, sidewalks, road medians and parking Islands
- Railroads—Used, abandoned and hidden railroads
- Soils—Soil Survey Geographic Database (SSURGO), includes soil name, ID#, productivity rating, slope percent, crop yield estimates and area in acres and square feet
- Street Centerlines—Produced by the Center for Geographic Information
- Miscellaneous—Recreation parks, golf courses, cart paths, cemeteries, landfills, miscellaneous storage tanks, mobile home parks and paved runways
Cadastral Data
Cadastral data (Parcels) can be described as public record of the dimensions of land parcels. This data is not intended to be used for legal purposes.
- All data is available in Shapefile format and is projected in State Plane Coordinates, Michigan South, NAD 83, International Feet.
GIS Product Pricing
Section (sq mi) $50.00 /
County (27 Townships) $7,500.00
Parcel ($100.00 minimum) $2.00 / per parcel
County (27 Townships) $7,500.00
Data by Project
Minimum project fee $100.00
*All project fees are based upon data layer & consultant pricing stated in pricing guide.
8 1/2″ X 11″ – $6.00
11″ X 17″ – $10.00
17″ X 22” $15.00
24″ x 36″ – $20.00
36″ x 48″ – $30.00
Tax Maps
SAGA members:
$10/ page / $15 with aerials
Non members:
$20/page / 25 with aerials
Both telephone and in-person consulting will be charged at $65.00 per hour and is subject to availability.